Tombstone and ghoulish desserts
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Hi %recipient.firstname%,


Halloween is said to have originated with the medieval gaelic festival Samhain, marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the "dark half" of the year. It was believed that at this moment the boundary between this life and the afterworld was thinner and therefore it was easier for spirits to make themselves visible to us.

That's probably one of thre reasons there are so many ghost stories at Halloween, and stories about haunted houses and graveyards where the dead rise at night.

To decorate your porch or your yard for Halloween, here is a tombstone created from recycled cardboard. An easy way to add to your decor!



Halloween is also the time when kids dress up and go trick-or-treating. But why stop at candy? Prepare this fruity dessert that looks like ...(brrr)... witches' eyes.


Or take a bite of these teeth treats (pun intended). Just looking at them makes your spine tingle.



Here is some news about my new nutcracker. One of the changes I made is that one of the arms is bent, so that the nutcracker can hold something in his hand, e.g. a sceptre. You guessed it, I will be making a king this time, and he will wear a crown.


I reinforced the inside of the bent arm so that the two halves can be securely attached together. Here are the big parts of the body painted with a white base coat.


The instruction document won't be ready for Christmas 2019, so if you want to build your own giant nutcracker this year, use the book that I already published.


Because you are a Pro

As promised, we publised several new printables for Halloween over the past two weeks. Here are a few of them: a directed colouring page, an additions exercise, a spot-the-differences game,

Cute Monsters in the Sea Additions with Cauldrons Halloween Night

a maze, a pre-writing exercise, a colouring page, and a connect-the-dots picture.

Ghost and Castle Maze Pre-writing 94 Ghost Witch



More Halloween projects:

Magic Nuudle Spider 3-D Cat Pot Of Gold or Witches' Cauldron Halloween Prints


Have a great week!


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