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Miscellaneous Posts

The mystery continues…

In my newslettter, I promised to unveil my big project this Tuesday… unfortunately I had a few setbacks and the mystery continues. I hope to reveal the mystery project very soon! I give you another clue today. For the project to be stable, I needed a wooden base and 4 wooden circles. Since I do not have woordworking equipment, I had …

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The plot thickens…

If the clue I gave in my previous article was not enough to allow you to guess what I am making, here is another picture. It is another component of my big project, another piece of the puzzle, if you like. Is it a futuristic “roach motel”? A space ship transporting a planet? A picture of …

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Another step in my big project

Yesterday I told you that I was working on a big project. Here is a second clue. In addition to the tubes I showed in my previous post, I also needed to make a round object. That’s all I’ll say about it, but you can see for yourself in the picture below. Yes, the weather …

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What is this big project?

If you receive my free newsletter, you already know that I am working on a project that I started during the summer. I even challenged my readers to guess what I was making with the objects that you see on the picture below. I received a wide variety of answers, grouped around certain themes. Very …

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Make a hot air balloon

Austrian jumper Felix Baumgartner may soon be setting a record by jumping 23 miles down from a stratospheric balloon. This balloon jump would make him the first person to descend in free-fall at the speed of sound. Stratospheric balloons are filled with helium. Baumgartner’s balloon, the Red Bull Stratos, is an impressive 55 stories high …

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Experiencing nature on a family outing

Nature is for me a source of inspiration and I love art made with natural materials.  But frankly, ”Animastones” are too hard for me! Recently I went hiking with my family in Aiguebelle National Park (Quebec). I always considered it very important that children discover nature and realize how valuable our environment is, and how …

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What animals do kids dream about?

Yesterday, I gave a workshop on the theme my dream pet pal to a group of 20 children in Ottawa’s largest recreation centre. We stayed away from cats, dogs, hamsters and rabbits! When you dream, you might as well dream big.  We chose wild animals such as tigers, jaguars, leopards, bears and monkeys, that the …

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Anima What?

Animaplates are animals and objects represented using simple materials like paper plates, cardboard rolls, felt, etc.  These crafts are an enjoyable activity for children and adults. The results can be used as toys or as decorations. But these crafts are also a powerful tool for teaching visual arts, science, language and even music. Teaching art …

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