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Visual Arts in Education

What’s that elf doing on the shelf?

Ten years ago, an enterprising mother-daughter team (Carol Aebersold and Chanda Bell) created a story that explains how Santa Claus knows whether kids have been naughty or nice. This story was based on their own family Christmas tradition according to which each year, Santa sent an elf to their home to watch over the children …

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Giant Nutcracker Construction Tips

The giant nutcracker is not a project for the faint of heart. If you start it, you need all the help you can get. Fortunately, our members help each other out, and this article is intended to record that information so that everyone can benefit from it. Diameter mismatch Mop head hair Diameter mismatch Construction tubes are …

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A sea of poppies

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the first world war, British artists created a unique piece of installation art. From July to November 2014, in the moat of the Tower of London, volunteers under the artists’ direction planted 888,246 ceramic poppies, one for each British or colonial soldier fallen in the War. …

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What turtles can teach us

Turtles are reptiles that  can be distinguished from other reptiles by the fact that they have a carapace. The carapace is made of bony plates that are welded to the skeleton. The carapace is a good protection against predators. Some turtles live in fresh water (aquatic turtles), others live in the seas and the oceans …

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Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

Symbols exist all over the world and each symbol can have more than one meaning. They exist because there is an inherent need to have something tangible to hold on to, even when you feel like there is nothing left for you. This is a situation Sadako Sasaki found herself in at an early age …

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Making a giant globe together

Earth Day is right around the corner. The one day we take time to really celebrate the magnificent globe that brings us all our bare essentials and necessities. Really, it’s a day we should have more often, but alas there’s just this one. Give your kids and group the best Earth Day activity with our …

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Let’s make Easter baskets

On your marks… Get Ready…. GOOOO!!!!! Oh to be a child chasing those candy filled eggs with all the other kids. Must have a strategy and be quick because you know there are lots of other seekers in this game of hide the eggs! There’s much more to Easter than just that, but kids do …

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Creatures of the Sea

An underwater world of Animaplates. For instructions on how to make these projects, see the Sea Creatures page. Mural made by children in an Animaplates workshop:

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Create snowflakes with Magic Nuudles

There are lots of ways to create a snowflake. We have a few of them on our site. Each craft that you run across, will give you the ability to see snowflakes a little differently. Doing this, is very important for children, because nothing is ever the same for them. You can drive the same …

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Make snowflakes with cotton swabs or lollipop sticks

By Samantha Do you remember making paper snowflakes in school? You would start out with a single sheet of rounded paper and fold it many times. Once folded, you’d break out the scissors and start your design phase. When you were done, it came out with that perfect hexagonal symmetry that is typical of snowflakes. …

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Give a body to your snowman!

By Samantha What does it take to have the complete attention of a child? A project with as much personality as them, of course. Have you ever thought about why video games and cartoons have the profound effect of stimulating kids for hours? It is not just because they can sit on their bottoms and …

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Snowman finger painting

By Samantha As you drive around after a snow storm, what is the number one thing you are bound to see? Other than snow, of course? It will be a snowman or some version of the snow people ‘world’. The best thing about these snow people children create, is that not one is exactly alike. …

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