Activities for youn witches and wizards
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I think that the success of the Harry Potter movies proves that most children are fascinated by magic. And many adults as well, I think... Who would not like to solve difficult problems by simply waving a magic wand?

So let's dream a little and make this magic wand topped with a golden star. At the end of the video, you'll see if it really works!



For budding witches and wizards, here is how to make a witches' hat. What is really "magical" about this project is that every wizard can decorate it in their own style.

Add a cape, and you have a complete magician's costume!



To stay on the witchcraft theme, here is a witch puppet that can be manipulated by a child. It's one of the many puppets available on the Animaplates website.

When puppets are used for puppet plays or to illustrate a story, they can help children express themselves. In other words, "the puppet gives a voice to the child" !



Big news! We have added Aesop's fables to the Animaplates website. Now you can read the full text of The Ants and the Grasshopper, The Hare and the Tortoise, The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, and many other fables you may have heard a long time ago...


In addition, whenever possible, we suggest Animaplates projects that you can use to illustrate these fables. A great way to combine language and visual art activities!



Here are more projects to keep the kids busy during these cold days:

3D Robot

3D Robot

Paper Bag Robot Puppet

Paper Bag Robot Puppet

Robot on Wheels

Robot on Wheels

More Robots!

More Robots!


Have a great week!




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