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Hi %recipient.firstname%,


According to U.S. statistics, July and August are the months where the most babies are born. The most popular day? That would be Tuesday!

If you are preparing for the arrival of a baby, for yourself or for someone close to you, here are cards you will be able to make yourself to announce the happy event when baby will be there.


You can of course make this project in any colour you want: in traditional pink or blue, or in any other colour if you prefer.



Don't forget our special offer on the document of the giant nutcracker. Even if you don't start this project before the fall, get the document now at 20% off the regular price! This offer ends tomorrrow.



More ideas if you prepare a special event:

Wedding Centerpiece Tomato Rose Gift Box Floating Lights


Have a great week!




P.S. For other creative activities and helpful tips, follow me on your favourite networks:

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