A game and lots of geese
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Hi {firstname},


I wish you all a successful return to school or to your other activities! I hope you had a great summer.

Here we were lucky enough to not be affected by the wildfires that have devastated, and still devastate certain regions of Canada. We saw and smelled smoke for several days, but that was nothing compared to what other people are going through.


I have been very busy with my family this summer, but now I finally have time to create new projects and share them with you.

To ease back into the process, here is a game that I made and that my grandkids loved. If the weather is still nice where you are, enjoy it and play outside with the kids!



The month of September is when you can enjoy local apples again. No longer is it necessary to import them from far away.

It's also a good time to make projects that feature apples. You'll find several on the Animaplates website.



As a bonus, here is a litlle video I took before the summer holidays. I hope it will put a smile on your face!



Other resources for back to school:

Reading Corner Poster

Reading Corner Poster

Wall border with tulips and butterflies

Wall border with tulips and butterflies

Ladybug Border

Ladybug Border

Flower Border

Flower Border


Have a great week!





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Artiztix Multimedia Inc, 534 Kindred Crescent, Kemptville ON K0G 1J0, Canada