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Painting Posts

Discover glass painting

Since a long time, I wanted to explore glass painting. The play of light on translucent colours fascinates me. I bought this set. It contains 24 tubes of different paint colours, 6 paint brushes and a paint tray. I plan to share with you several projects using these paints. Joelle

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Snowman finger painting

By Samantha As you drive around after a snow storm, what is the number one thing you are bound to see? Other than snow, of course? It will be a snowman or some version of the snow people ‘world’. The best thing about these snow people children create, is that not one is exactly alike. …

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Finger painting – messy and exciting

Bright red, yellow and blue paint are laid in small cups at the base of an easel.  A child, smocked from head to toe is given the opportunity to use these paints, not with their typical brush in hand but with their bare fingers.  They are freely allowed to dip their fingers into the paint …

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Printing with Apples

Who has not, at least once in their life, used a halved potato as a stamp to print coloured circles with paint? You can make very nice pictures using that technique, for example a caterpillar. But you can also print with an apple! Using an apple as a stamp gives you original designs and what’s …

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Potato Printing

Are you looking for a Spring craft that you can do with young children? Have you considered potato printing? Kids love it and even those who are not too comfortable with a paint brush will have a lot of fun painting with a potato. The round shape of the potato inspired me to create this …

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