Animaplates at the AFESEO forum
Animaplates had a big booth at the annual provincial forum of AFESEO, an association of early childhood educators. This conference took place on May 5th. During the intermissions, many participants came to see our booth, which was decorated with the new Animaplates look.
As in previous years, this was a marvelous opportunity for me to speak with early chidhood professionals, to better understand their challenges and to tell them about all the resources that are available on the Animaplates web site.
In addition to memberships, we sold “kits” which contain the printed project guide as well as all the supplies needed to make the project: paper plates, paint, styrofoam ball or other accessories, depending on the project.
That’s me, posing for a picture with the witch’s hat.
Many visitors were fascinated by the Pirate Ship.