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Organizing Animaplates’ new studio

Last November, the Animaplates team (my husband and I with our two cats) moved into a new home. I promised you, at that time, that I would share pictures of my new studio. After having organized the rest of the house (and celebrated Christmas and New Year), I finally have time to start organizing my new studio.

Because of construction delays, we spent time in two different locations before arriving in our new home.

Each time, I had to reduce the amount of space I was using. In the end, almost all my boxes with supplies were in storage or with friends.

Finally, I could move everything out of storage. Our move took several truck rides and I think that Animaplates occupied the equivalent of at least one truck.

Taking my boxes out of storage
Everything goes into the truck

In the new house, I set aside a large area in the basement for myself. First I painted the concrete floor and the walls.

Painting a wall is not as exciting as painting a puppet, but it has to be done…

After that, I could finally install my tables, my shelves and my boxes with materials.

There’s still a lot of work to do

Unfortunately, I found out that one leg of my skeleton broke in the move. I will have to do some reconstructive surgery.

Capucine inspects my work…

Soon I’ll be able to create new projects in this new studio. I have lots of ideas and I can’t wait to share them with you!


P.S. My new studio does not have any windows. After a lot of research, we found LED tube lighting that gives a lot of very white light, ideal for art work and filming. In order to avoid having to put wiring in the wall, we installed wireless switches.

Supplies available on Amazon

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made through these links.

LED Tube Lighting
Wireless Wall Switch

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