Panda Mask
Pandas are fascinating animals. They are big and strong, but at the same time cute and vulnerable. Their fur has unique markings that make them instantly recognizable.
There are less than 1000 pandas living in the wild: survival of the species is compromised. This visual arts project can be an excellent starting point for a lesson on the importance of biodiversity and the protection of our environment. The teaching resources consist of 3 pages full of interesting facts.
The project guide includes a variant for “tiny hands”, suitable for younger children.
PDF file (10 pages)
Project Guide:
- 3 pages of illustrated explanations
- 2 pages "for tiny hands"
- 1 page of patterns
- 1 page with a picture of the finished project
- 3 pages of teaching resources
PDF download: US$ 4.00
(Basic and Pro Member Price: 2 credits)
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It’s so cute
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